My Food Philosophy

Eating and making good food choices is hard. 
Its hard for a variety of reasons. As human beings we are generally hard-wired to have a taste for things that are "bad" for us. It wasn't that long ago that having a sweet tooth meant packing on extra pounds assuring we made it through the winter. Now those extra pounds assure only diabetes and other chronic conditions.

It is not ALL about what you know.
I believe that almost everyone knows that fast food is bad for you. The same goes for chips, candy and fried food. That doesn't mean that many of us don't indulge in these types of items from time-to-time (myself included). For some of us its what's available in our neighborhood, for others its convenient or comforting in the moment.  It also does not help that our environment is saturated with food opportunities: Everywhere you go there is an opportunity to eat.  Additionally, the food industry makes a lot of money provoking our natural instinct to indulge.

Its not all about what you know. Most people will have to actively fight against the forces in our lives encouraging us to eat.

Jillian Micheal's is right about a few things including "Fad diets are usually bad diets". She is also kind of obnoxious.
If the latest and greatest diet plan sounds too good to be true it probably is. I know from personal experience that a new diet plan can help re-start good habits. I think that's about what they are good for.

Losing weight comes down to calories in (What we eat) vs. calories out (Activity)

If someone tells you its easy to lose weight, they have probably never lost any.

There is no place in making changes for judgement.