Workshops & Presentations

Below are examples of past presentations I have given and not all inclusive of workshops/presentations available. If interested in this workshop/presentation for your group, please contact me to discuss your needs.  For inquiries, please contact: tarynblissrd@gmailcom

Supermarket Tour
60-90 minute interactive tour of your local grocery store, Appropriate for anyone overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousand of products, Groups 1-12
That's right hundreds of thousands of products in a typical grocery store, I can help you learn to maneuver the isles,  decipher labels, see though marketing ploys and introduce you to new items that are economical and convenient for your health lifestyle.

Kitchen/Pantry Make-over
60-90 minutes interactive overhaul of your you kitchen and pantry, Appropriate for anyone who wants a kick-start changing their daily routine, Groups 1-5
We have all seen Jillian haul off bags from people's homes effectively giving them a fresh start. Want to try it? We'll look through your shelves together, decide what should stay and go and most importantly come up with plan for your next grocery trip that suits your likes and needs. Combines well with a Supermarket Tour.

Two Hundred Twenty Two
45-minute Power Point Presentation, Most appropriate for nutritional novices, Groups 5-500
Believe it or not, its estimated we make more than two hundred daily food choices. From the grocery store to the drive through, learn simple tweaks to your daily routine that can save you calories, maximize your intake and improve your health.

Individualized Question and Answer Session
60 minutes Power Point Presentation, Appropriate for anyone with questions about nutrition, Groups 5-500 
You collect burning questions from session attendees and I'll answer them in a factual way. From the mundane (What is this vegetable and what do I do with it?) to the obscure (Have you ever heard of the Coffee and Cigarettes diet?), lets clear up your actual questions .