Individual Consultations/Coaching

Its easy to feel bombarded and confused by nutritional messages. Let me help you make sense of it all and start making healthier choices today. Whether you've fallen off the fruits and vegetable band wagon or need help adjusting to new way of eating and lifestyle dictated by a medical condition (heart disease, diabetes, or cancer), I can help you make sense of it and map a course. 

I am available for individual nutritional consultation, assessment and coaching throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information or to schedule an appointment e-mail: tarynblissrd@gmailcom

Areas of expertise: General health/well-being and weight-loss, diabetes (both insulin and non-insulin dependent), kidney disease, cancer.

What to expect?
Prior to meeting I will ask you to complete a short questionnaire of your current diet practices, medical history etc. I will meet with you individually, complete a nutritional assessment and provide you with an individualized action plan that you can use long-term to maximize your nutritional status, well being and health. All in a completely a non-judgement, reality based manner.

What is a nutritional assessment?
A typical assessment take 45 - 90 minutes to compete and includes in-person or over the phone interview, a review of medical history and current health status; a, review of biochemical results (lab work) and completion of several calculations (including BMI, HBE and others). The completed assessment is used to determine caloric needs, identify possible deficiencies and excesses in the diet, and facilitate on-going patient/client educational. It can be included in the medical record and used by other health professionals to evaluate the overall status of a patient/client.


November 2010
Client/patient seen in private setting for on-going weight loss maintenance. Excellent understanding of nutrition on health and well being. Describes hitting a eating, and activity plateau. 

Goal: To reach IBW range, healthy BMI and maintain, while inspiring others to do the same

32-yo female, insignificant past medical history
Ht: 5' 6" (66"), Wt: 162# (73.6 kg) UBW: 155# (5/09), IBW: 130-143# BMI: 26.1
Labs (1/2009) CHOL: 168, LDL: 107, HDL: 44, TG: 86, BG (fasting): 84

Estimated energy needs: 20-25 kcal/kg/day=1500-1800 kcal/day
Estimate protein needs: 0.8-1 g/kg/day=60-75 g PRO/day
Estimated fluid needs: 1 mL/kcal=1500-1800 mL/day

Pt. has experienced slow weight gain c/w with report of unhealthy eating, excessive snacking, decreased physical activity.

1. Continue to with food journal/diary to raise awareness of eating habits
2. Increase physical activity (Pt.'s goal to train/run for a half marathon in late March)

Provided with information, and encouragement