Monday, March 26, 2012

How do YOU really eat that many servings of veggies and fruit?

Recently I had a "Come to Jesus" talk with my mother about her diet and lifestyle choices. I admit, it was preachy. Given her past medical history, the silence from her internist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and oncologist and my affection for her it was necessary. Albeit, not well delivered but necessary.

My "advice" to my own mother can be easily summarized:
-Your daily dietary choices matter
You can make a difference everyday in your longevity with your eating habits. Its just that simple. What you eat matters, it matter a lot.
-Eat more vegetables and fruit
Once again more matters. The protective health benefits of vegetables and fruit are associated with the highest intakes. Aim for 2-3 servings at every meal. Focus on getting the bulk from a wide variety of veggies
-Move more

Her response, "How do YOU really eat that many servings of vegetables?"

This is how I try to do it, I:
-Plan a weekly dinner menu and shop once for it. I scrutinize where more vegetables and fruit can be added to the entree. As a rule I double or triple the amount of veggies called for in almost every recipe. If they can't be added to the main entree, we start the meal with a big bowl of spinach salad or I wilt spinach and we eat it on the side.
-Have a couple of quick veggie heavy good-ole stand-by's to go to when dinner just does not happen the way you planned. For me they are: Big bag of frozen Asian vegetables and shrimp stir-fry; pan-fried tofu and spinach; bag of Italian veggies covered in tomato sauce on pasta or whole grain toast
-Eat the left-over of those veggie-heavy dinners for lunch
-Make salads that are actually good left-over. Example: Countless variations on cole-slaws.
-When eating out make your selection considering how many vegetables it will fuel you with. Consider getting a side-salad if your main course is low. Eat your veggies first: Make sure your salad comes before your meal and literally eat your veggies in your main course first, especially if they served on the side. They will get cold quickest and likely benefit from it the least.
-Have a highly visible fruit bowl
-Eat veggies as snacks. For me: carrots/celery/bell peppers and hummus; spinach (and sometimes celery) added to my smoothies; avocado on whole-grain crackers; edamame

It can be initially challenging to eat more veggies. It can also be challenging to brush your teeth before going to bed at night. Few will disagree that getting up to brush is almost always the best choice. You just feel better after you have done it. Its the same with eating your veggies.

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