Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Food Lover's Cleanse

It seems so cliche but its true, I love fresh starts.  I always have. The first day of school (or a fresh semester), the first day of a new season, the first day of a new job, the first day of the month. Even a Monday (or even better a Tuesday after a long weekend) seems so fresh, unmarked, an opportunity to start anew with renewed intention. Unequivocally, New Year's Day is the biggest fresh start of all for most of us.

I like the crop of obvious newbies at the gym. The streams of people with their carts full of fresh fruit and vegetables at the grocery store. It restores my faith that in their heart-of-hearts people know what is good for them and not only want to change their lifestyle but are trying to.

Last year I stumbled across Bon Appetit's "Food Lover's Cleanse" a few weeks into the New Year. Our household loosely followed the two-week plan to get our eating patterns re-aligned after weeks of holiday meals and treats. Designed by a dietitian the plan focuses on eating more fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains and modestly incorporates meat, dairy and sweets. With two weeks worth of meal plans and menus, it takes the thinking out of healthier eating and allows you to focus on reestablishing the habit of cooking and eating well. Its a sound way to eat throughout the year, a good kick start.

This year we are loosely following the plan again. It can be found at "Food Lover's Cleanse 2012". I already love the improved day-to-day interface, the emphasis on using a "pantry" of prepped  items throughout the week, and the incorporation of left-overs easing the time commitment of preparing fresh food. Unlike last year I no longer live in the mecca of fresh ingredients. Dark, cold and land locked my shopping options are much more limited. I am adapting some of the days to what's available to me, what I already have on hand, and just what makes sense for us.

In the spirit of fresh starts I intend to post more frequentl at "What Taryn Ate Today".

 Happy New Year!

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